/*- * Copyright (c) 2014 Dag-Erling Smørgrav * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "cryb/impl.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct t_case { const char *desc; int (*func)(const char *, size_t, char *, size_t *); const char *in; /* input string */ size_t ilen; /* input length */ const char *out; /* expected output string or NULL */ size_t blen; /* initial value for olen or 0 */ size_t olen; /* expected value for olen */ int ret; /* expected return value */ int err; /* expected errno if ret != 0 */ }; /* basic encoding / decoding */ #define T_ENCODE(i, o) \ { .func = percent_encode, \ .in = i, .ilen = sizeof i, \ .out = o, .blen = sizeof o, .olen = sizeof o, \ .ret = 0, .err = 0 } #define T_DECODE(i, o) \ { .func = percent_decode, \ .in = i, .ilen = sizeof i, \ .out = o, .blen = sizeof o, .olen = sizeof o, \ .ret = 0, .err = 0 } /* roundtrip encoding tests */ #define T_ENCDEC(p, e) \ T_ENCODE(p, e), T_DECODE(e, p) /* decoding failure */ #define T_DECODE_FAIL(e, i, o) \ { .func = percent_decode, \ .in = i, .ilen = sizeof i - 1, \ .out = o, .blen = SIZE_MAX, .olen = sizeof o, \ .ret = -1, .err = e } /* input string shorter than input length */ #define T_SHORT_INPUT_ENC(i, o) \ { .desc = "encode (short input)", .func = percent_encode, \ .in = i, .ilen = SIZE_MAX, \ .out = o, .blen = SIZE_MAX, .olen = sizeof o } #define T_SHORT_INPUT_DEC(i, o) \ { .desc = "decode (short input)", .func = percent_decode, \ .in = i, .ilen = SIZE_MAX, \ .out = o, .blen = SIZE_MAX, .olen = sizeof o } /* input string longer than input length */ #define T_LONG_INPUT_ENC(i, il, o, ol) \ { .desc = "encode (long input)", .func = percent_encode, \ .in = i, .ilen = il, .out = o, .blen = ol, .olen = ol } #define T_LONG_INPUT_DEC(i, il, o, ol) \ { .desc = "decode (long input)", .func = percent_decode, \ .in = i, .ilen = il, .out = o, .blen = ol, .olen = ol } /* output string longer than output length */ #define T_LONG_OUTPUT_ENC(i, o, l) \ { .desc = "encode (long output)", .func = percent_encode, \ .in = i, .ilen = SIZE_MAX, \ .out = o, .blen = l, .olen = sizeof o, \ .ret = -1, .err = ENOSPC } #define T_LONG_OUTPUT_DEC(i, o, l) \ { .desc = "decode (long output)", .func = percent_decode, \ .in = i, .ilen = SIZE_MAX, \ .out = o, .blen = l, .olen = sizeof o, \ .ret = -1, .err = ENOSPC } static const char unreserved[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789" "-._~"; static const char reserved[] = ":/?#[]@" /* gen-delims */ "!$&'()*+,;="; /* sub-delims */ static const char reserved_upper[] = "%3A%2F%3F%23%5B%5D%40" "%21%24%26%27%28%29%2A%2B%2C%3B%3D"; static const char reserved_lower[] = "%3a%2f%3f%23%5b%5d%40" "%21%24%26%27%28%29%2a%2b%2c%3b%3d"; static const char mixed[] = "Magic = xyzzy"; static const char mixed_upper[] = "Magic%20%3D%20xyzzy"; static const char mixed_lower[] = "Magic%20%3d%20xyzzy"; static struct t_case t_cases[] = { /* empty string */ T_ENCDEC("", ""), /* unreserved characters */ T_ENCDEC(unreserved, unreserved), /* reserved characters */ T_ENCDEC(reserved, reserved_upper), T_DECODE(reserved_lower, reserved), /* individual reserved characters */ T_ENCDEC("!", "%21"), T_ENCDEC("#", "%23"), T_ENCDEC("$", "%24"), T_ENCDEC("%", "%25"), T_ENCDEC("&", "%26"), T_ENCDEC("'", "%27"), T_ENCDEC("(", "%28"), T_ENCDEC(")", "%29"), T_ENCDEC("*", "%2A"), T_ENCDEC("+", "%2B"), T_ENCDEC(",", "%2C"), T_ENCDEC("/", "%2F"), T_ENCDEC(";", "%3B"), T_ENCDEC(":", "%3A"), T_ENCDEC("=", "%3D"), T_ENCDEC("?", "%3F"), T_ENCDEC("@", "%40"), T_ENCDEC("[", "%5B"), T_ENCDEC("]", "%5D"), T_DECODE("%2a", "*"), T_DECODE("%2b", "+"), T_DECODE("%2c", ","), T_DECODE("%2f", "/"), T_DECODE("%3a", ":"), T_DECODE("%3b", ";"), T_DECODE("%3d", "="), T_DECODE("%3f", "?"), T_DECODE("%5b", "["), T_DECODE("%5d", "]"), /* too few characters after % */ T_DECODE_FAIL(EINVAL, "x%", "x"), T_DECODE_FAIL(EINVAL, "x%0", "x"), /* non-hex characters after % */ T_DECODE_FAIL(EINVAL, "x%0z", "x"), T_DECODE_FAIL(EINVAL, "x%zz", "x"), T_DECODE_FAIL(EINVAL, "x%z0", "x"), /* input shorter than claimed */ T_SHORT_INPUT_ENC(reserved, reserved_upper), T_SHORT_INPUT_DEC(reserved_lower, reserved), /* input longer than claimed */ T_LONG_INPUT_ENC(mixed, 6, mixed_upper, 9), T_LONG_INPUT_DEC(mixed_lower, 8, mixed, 7), /* encoding into short buffer */ T_LONG_OUTPUT_ENC(mixed, mixed_upper, 6), T_LONG_OUTPUT_ENC(mixed, mixed_upper, 7), T_LONG_OUTPUT_ENC(mixed, mixed_upper, 8), T_LONG_OUTPUT_ENC(mixed, mixed_upper, 9), /* decoding into short buffer */ T_LONG_OUTPUT_DEC(unreserved, unreserved, 5), T_LONG_OUTPUT_DEC(reserved_lower, reserved, 5), /* various no-output scenarios (decoding) */ { .desc = "decode (no output)", .func = percent_decode, .in = mixed_lower, .ilen = SIZE_MAX, .out = NULL, .blen = SIZE_MAX, .olen = sizeof mixed, /* success */ }, { .desc = "decode (no output, invalid sequence)", .func = percent_decode, .in = "x%", .ilen = SIZE_MAX, .out = NULL, .blen = SIZE_MAX, .olen = 2, .ret = -1, .err = EINVAL, }, { .desc = "decode (no space)", .func = percent_decode, .in = mixed_lower, .ilen = SIZE_MAX, .out = "", .blen = 0, .olen = sizeof mixed, .ret = -1, .err = ENOSPC, }, { .desc = "decode (no space, invalid sequence)", .func = percent_decode, .in = "x%", .ilen = SIZE_MAX, .out = "", .blen = 0, .olen = 2, /* invalid sequence trumps no space */ .ret = -1, .err = EINVAL, }, { .desc = "decode (no output, no space)", .func = percent_decode, .in = mixed_lower, .ilen = SIZE_MAX, .out = NULL, .blen = 0, .olen = sizeof mixed, /* success */ }, { .desc = "decode (no output, no space, invalid sequence)", .func = percent_decode, .in = "x%", .ilen = SIZE_MAX, .out = NULL, .blen = 0, .olen = 2, /* invalid sequence trumps no space */ .ret = -1, .err = EINVAL, }, /* various no-output scenarios (encoding) */ { .desc = "encode (no output)", .func = percent_encode, .in = mixed, .ilen = SIZE_MAX, .out = NULL, .blen = SIZE_MAX, .olen = sizeof mixed_upper, /* success */ }, { .desc = "encode (no space)", .func = percent_encode, .in = mixed, .ilen = SIZE_MAX, .out = "", .blen = 0, .olen = sizeof mixed_upper, .ret = -1, .err = ENOSPC, }, { .desc = "encode (no output, no space)", .func = percent_encode, .in = mixed, .ilen = SIZE_MAX, .out = NULL, .blen = 0, .olen = sizeof mixed_upper, /* success */ }, }; /* * Encoding test function */ static int t_rfc3986(char **desc CRYB_UNUSED, void *arg) { struct t_case *t = arg; char buf[256]; size_t len; int ret; memset(buf, 0, sizeof buf); errno = 0; len = t->blen > sizeof buf ? sizeof buf : t->blen; ret = t_compare_i(t->ret, t->func(t->in, t->ilen, t->out ? buf : NULL, &len)); ret &= t_compare_sz(t->olen, len); if (t->ret != 0 || errno != 0) ret &= t_compare_i(t->err, errno); if (t->out) ret &= t_compare_strn(t->out, buf, t->blen - 1); return (ret); } /* * Generate the test plan */ int t_prepare(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct t_case *t; int i, n; (void)argc; (void)argv; n = sizeof t_cases / sizeof t_cases[0]; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { t = &t_cases[i]; if (t->desc) { t_add_test(t_rfc3986, t, t->desc); } else if (t->ret == 0) { t_add_test(t_rfc3986, t, "%s \"%s\" -> \"%s\"", t->func == percent_encode ? "encode" : "decode", t->in, t->out); } else { t_add_test(t_rfc3986, t, "%s \"%s\" (failure)", t->func == percent_encode ? "encode" : "decode", t->in); } } return (0); } /* * Cleanup */ void t_cleanup(void) { }