The current version invokes undefined behavior when the count is negative, zero, or equal to or greater than the width of the operand. The new version masks the count to avoid these situations. Although branchless, it is relatively inefficient if the compiler does not recognize it and translate it to a rol or ror instruction. Empirical tests show that both clang and gcc get it right for constant counts, and recent versions of clang (but not gcc) get it right for variable counts as well. Note that our current code base has no instances of rolN / rorN with a variable count. |
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The Cryb libraries
The Cryb libraries are a collection of cryptography- and security-related function libraries written with the following goals in mind:
Comprehensive: Cryb aims to provide a rich and flexible set of building blocks for cryptographic applications.
Self-contained and easily embeddable: the Cryb libraries have no external dependencies (apart from the toolchain) and few internal ones. Individual modules and algorithms can easily be extracted from Cryb and integrated into other codebases.
Reliable: the libraries come with an extensive test suite with a long-term goal of 100% test coverage.
Stable: guaranteed API and ABI stability.
Documented: full API documentation in the form of Unix man pages.
Consistently and permissively licensed: the entire collection is under the 3-clause BSD license.
We aren't there yet. The Cryb libraries are still undeniably at the experimental stage. However, significant portions are already in production use as components in other projects (cf: easily embeddable), and we have great expectations for the future of Cryb.