[< Back](../README.md) # Exercise: Add files to the build In this exercise we will add a couple of files to the project. ## Background: CMake As described in the slides, the project is defined by several CMake files. The ones we are interested is [`CMakeLists.txt`](../../../CMakeLists.txt) in the root project folder and the [`CMakeLists.txt`](../../../lib/CMakeLists.txt) file in the `lib` folder. You can see that the root CMake file is adding the `lib` subdirectory, this means that it is looking for a `CMakeLists.txt` file within that folder. The CMake file in the `lib` folder describes a few package requirements and then it does this ```cmake file(GLOB_RECURSE sources CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "*.cpp" "*.hpp") ``` Here it is creating a CMake variable called `sources` that will contain all `.cpp` and `.hpp` files within the `lib` folder. This means that if we want to add new files, we don't have to list them here, as any applicable files are included. But adding a file will not automatically add the file in the IDE, as CMake needs to be run again for those changes to apply. # Exercise One of the Pac-Man ghosts is missing. We will fully implement this ghost later but for now let's add the `.cpp` and `.hpp` files to the project. 1. Create a `Clyde.hpp` in the `lib/include` folder and a `Clyde.cpp` file in the `lib` folder. 2. Run CMake again and see your IDE update to include these new files. You can try compiling again and see what happens. 3. Include the `Clyde.hpp` file within the `Clyde.cpp` file, and add `#pragma once` to `Clyde.hpp`. 4. Include `Clyde.hpp` in [GameState.hpp](../../../lib/include/GameState.hpp) and rebuild