#include "Canvas.hpp" #include "Game.hpp" #include #include #include Canvas::Canvas() : window(sf::VideoMode(windowDimensions().width, windowDimensions().height), "Pacman", sf::Style::Titlebar | sf::Style::Close) { window.setFramerateLimit(60); window.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); maze_texture = loadTexture("maze.png"); sprites_texture = loadTexture("sprites32.png"); game_font = loadFont("joystix.ttf"); } void Canvas::update(const Game & game) { clear(); renderMaze(); renderPellets(game.pellets); renderSuperPellets(game.superPellets); std::apply([&](const auto &... ghost) { (renderGhost(ghost), ...); }, game.ghosts); renderScore(game.score.points); renderLives(game.score.lives); renderPacMan(game.pacMan); render(); } void Canvas::clear() { window.clear(sf::Color::Black); } void Canvas::render() { window.display(); } std::optional Canvas::pollEvent() { sf::Event event{}; if (window.pollEvent(event)) return event; return std::nullopt; } void Canvas::renderMaze() { Sprite maze(maze_texture); maze.setPosition(LEFT_MARGIN, TOP_MARGIN); window.draw(maze); } void Canvas::renderPellets(const Pellets & pellets) { Sprite pellet = getSprite(pellets.currentSprite()); std::vector pelletPositions = pellets.currentPositions(); for (const auto & pos : pelletPositions) { renderSprite(pellet, { float(pos.x), float(pos.y) }); } } void Canvas::renderSuperPellets(const SuperPellets & superPellets) { Sprite pellet = getSprite(superPellets.currentSprite()); std::vector superPelletPositions = superPellets.currentPositions(); for (const auto & pos : superPelletPositions) { renderSprite(pellet, { float(pos.x), float(pos.y) }); } } void Canvas::renderPacMan(const PacMan & pac_man) { Sprite pacmanSprite = getSprite(pac_man.currentSprite()); const auto & pos = pac_man.position(); renderSprite(pacmanSprite, pos); } void Canvas::renderGhost(const Ghost & ghost) { Sprite sprite = getSprite(ghost.currentSprite()); const auto & pos = ghost.position(); renderSprite(sprite, pos); } void Canvas::renderScore(int score) { const int x = LEFT_MARGIN + MAZE_WIDTH + LEFT_MARGIN; const int y = TOP_MARGIN * 2; sf::Text text; text.setPosition(x, y); text.setFont(game_font); text.setString(fmt::format("SCORE\n{}", score)); text.setCharacterSize(20); text.setFillColor(sf::Color::White); window.draw(text); } void Canvas::renderLives(int lives) { constexpr PositionInt liveSprite = Atlas::pacman_left_narrow; const int x = LEFT_MARGIN + MAZE_WIDTH + LEFT_MARGIN; const int y = maze_texture.getSize().y; Sprite pacmanSprite = getSprite(liveSprite); for (int i = 0; i < lives - 1; i++) { PositionInt pos{ x + i * pacmanSprite.getTextureRect().width, y }; pacmanSprite.setPosition(pos.x, pos.y); window.draw(pacmanSprite); } } Rect Canvas::windowDimensions() { return { 0, 0, LEFT_MARGIN + MAZE_WIDTH + SCORE_WIDTH, TOP_MARGIN + MAZE_HEIGHT + BOTTOM_MARGIN }; } Sprite Canvas::getSprite(PositionInt coordinate) const { sf::Sprite sprite; sprite.setTexture(sprites_texture); sprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect{ coordinate.x * DEFAULT_SPRITE_WIDTH, coordinate.y * DEFAULT_SPRITE_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_SPRITE_WIDTH, DEFAULT_SPRITE_HEIGHT }); sprite.scale(0.5, 0.5); return sprite; } void Canvas::renderSprite(Sprite sprite, Position pos) { pos.x = LEFT_MARGIN + (pos.x * DEFAULT_SPRITE_WIDTH / 2); pos.y = TOP_MARGIN + (pos.y * DEFAULT_SPRITE_HEIGHT / 2); sprite.setPosition(pos.x, pos.y); window.draw(sprite); } static void exitFailure(const std::string & message) { fmt::print("{}\n", message); exit(1); } sf::Texture Canvas::loadTexture(std::string_view path) { sf::Texture texture; if (!texture.loadFromFile(std::string{ path })) { exitFailure(fmt::format("Failed to load image {}", path)); } return texture; } sf::Font Canvas::loadFont(std::string_view path) { sf::Font font; if (!font.loadFromFile("joystix.ttf")) { exitFailure(fmt::format("Failed to load font {}", path)); } return font; }