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Exercise: Set up development environment

Install tools

All Platforms

Ubuntu 20.04 or newer

  • Install the build tools
sudo apt-get install ninja-build pkg-config curl zip unzip tar cmake build-essential libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev libudev-dev libgl1-mesa-dev

Fedora 33 or newer

  • Install the build tools
sudo dnf install ninja-build SFML-devel libXi-devel libX11-devel libXrandr-devel mesa-libGL-devel systemd-devel

FreeBSD 12 or newer

  • Install the build tools
sudo pkg install catch cmake libfmt ninja sfml



  • Install clang by typing xcode-select --install in a terminal and following the instructions
  • Install the build tools
brew install cmake ninja

Configure and build project

All Platforms, using VS Code

git clone
cd pacman
code .

Commandline based build (Not used in this training) Linux, BSD, or Mac

git clone
cd pacman
cmake .