990 B
990 B
Mod(C++) - Pac-Man Exercise
Make Speedy
- Make a new ghost class for Speedy
- Pick the right sprite
- Pick the right scatter target
- Try to chase PacMan
Hints: (links)
Implement eating of pellets
- Make a Pellets class (look at SuperPellets)
- Implement eating of pellets
- Try to keep score
Hints: (links)
Add cherries
- Implement cherries (look at SuperPellets)
- Change the ghost speed and look
Hints: (link)
Add Levels
Add kill screen
Add win
Add high score (std::filesystem)
Ghosts characters and algorithms
These will probably become relevant
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghosts_(Pac-Man)
- Video: Pac-Man Ghost AI Explained
- https://gameinternals.com/understanding-pac-man-ghost-behavior
- https://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3938/the_pacman_dossier.php?print=1
- https://www.slideshare.net/grimlockt/pac-man-6561257
- http://donhodges.com/pacman_pinky_explanation.htm